♥ Everyday Magic ♥
Hello everyone!

Well, i've been using the BumGenius 3.0 diapers I purchased at CottonBabies.com for awhile now.. and I gotta say... I LOVE THEM! They are an AIO (All in One) so no stuffing is required! Although there is a pocket if i choose to add an insert for nighttime and also to flip it inside out for drying!

I really really really enjoy this diaper! I wasn't sure if i'd like the aplix tabs as opposed to the snaps but it's been great. Doug seems more comfortable with them too! 

To date I have no had any leaks with these diapers!  Because this is an AIO drying time is increased, but that's perfectly fine with me! These have become my first grab diapers!

Cotton Babies has them on clearance for 10$ since they are an older version, with free shipping :-)  

Yes, and no!  I'm just starting to navigate the world of cloth diapering!  Here I will post helpful links, products I've tried, and overall discussion!